Thursday, 21 July 2011

Mobile Applications - Extend Your Backend to the Peripherals!

It is recent and raving trend in all the leading organizations are investing heavily to build their IT application firms to serve their urgent and essential requirements. Smaller organizations, to ensure that they keep their chin-up in such a competitive environment, and to keep in pace with their more affluent counterparts, are outsourcing their IT work to offshore software centres. Customised application development and Mobile application development are the trends that every IT firm is thriving upon!  Yet there is a huge market that is still untapped. For example, mobile applications are still to reach and benefit those who are technicians in plants, executives on move, who are handling process inefficiencies etc. Extending the reach of backend IT applications to the corporate world, Mobile applications are really assisting.

In today’s world, with ever increasing acceptance of mobile application in the world, the users can leverage these more accessible devices to access more information in less time span. This makes lives easy and less time-consuming. Also, the biggest beneficiaries are the remote workers, people who otherwise find it a real challenge to stay in reach or find connectivity a great challenge due to critical far-off activities! Some of the extended benefits of mobile applications are:

1. Mobility : The real time activity of Mobile applications, Mobility is the real value of mobile applications. The best advantage that mobile applications have over traditional computers is that they can be used anywhere and at any place.

2. Smooth Administration : Workers in the field can generate work orders directly. Work-order processing is simplified because transaction is not manual and can be routed automatically to the appropriate backend.

3. Real Time Information : Information is made available with real time accuracy and has greater management & control.

4. Effective Business Decisions : Mobile applications lead to effective business decisions as management drives the results far productive output.

5. Convenience and Efficiency : Convenience and efficiency are the advantages of mobile applications both for customers and company’s employees. One gets the ease of being connected at all times, and is impromptu.

Needless to say that there are certain arenas where the recent mobile applications could do better. For example, we should look at developing applications that are efficient and lucrative for a much smaller interface than a personal computer. Also, the security view-point needs to be kept in mind.  Wireless transmission, in a way, biases end-users to perceive mobile applications to be more vulnerable and unsecured. After weighing pros and cons of the entire deal, one needs to facilitate the use of mobile applications in a way that the dark-side of the mobile applications does not hinder its effective usage.

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Tuesday, 12 July 2011

A Study clarifies that the number of twitter followers has got nothing to do with the number of followers!

Previously, a person’s influence on Twitter was thought to correlate directly to the number of followers. However, the myth has been clearly uprooted now! Since, IT is clear now that advertisers even pay popular Tweeters to post ads in their Tweets. But, according to a new study having many followers does not make a Tweeter influential and could not be described as an effective social media marketing strategy. Taking from the study, it supports the fact that the number of Twitter followers is meaningless. “Popular users who have a high in degree [number of followers] are not necessarily influential in terms of spawning retweets or mentions,” Cha writes, quoted in the Harvard Business Review.

One cannot really rely on the huge number of twitter followers to guarantee good business for oneself. Various other factors need to be considered while using twitter for business.

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