Tuesday, 24 May 2011

eNIDUS SEO ladder-An easy way to reach at the top!

Modern technology has evolved the world. A few taps on keyboard and a mouse click gets you the information you’ve longed for. Whether you are individual finding information on the internet or an organization rendering information to the people, SEO is the most sought after ladder. And it is a pedagogic ladder that maps your way to the top! Search engine optimization is a technical art undertaken with a purpose of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines via organic search engine optimization.

Courtesy the cut throat competition, it is not just enough to create well-crafted website to drive traffic to your site. The foremost fact every entrepreneur should keep in mind that visitors will only visit a website if it ranks in the first 10 results on the click of a keyword. Come on, would we take the pains and surf the second page on Google search if we found something similar on the first page? This is just as much a fact that there are millions of websites created everyday, but only a few get to touch the top of the hill.

Traffic Distribution by Google Ranking

           Search Engine Optimization strategies and improves your organic search results. In fact findings indicate clearly that 75% of times a searcher will click on an organic listing rather than a paid ad. Also, 42% searchers will always click on the listing in the number one spot and 12% searchers will click the listing in the 2nd spot. Only 9% people will click the third spot and even fewer, that is, the 4th 5th and the 6th spot will be clicked by 6%, 5% and 4% users respectively. After that the 7th-10th spot only garner 3% of the total clicks and only 10% of the overall users cross the first ten result pages.
                                                                   A well optimized website can reduce the bid requirements of paid campaign by increasing your organic search results thereby making your AdWords account less expensive and more effective. According to the numbers, 75% of all searchers click and trust on organic listings, 90% of those searchers (67.5% of all searchers) click on organic listings on the first page of Google results, and only 7.5% of total searchers click on listings after the 1st page of Google results.

Those who are able to reach at the top they have made the right use of SEO tools to judiciously magnifying their search engine presence. Over 90% internet users worldwide find websites through search engines SEO helps a website do that. With the use of various organic methodologies like, blogging, blog commenting, directory and article submission, link building and affiliate marketing, partnering on forums etc. Couple this with another fact that over 90% of visitors do not look beyond the first page of search engine results. Concluding that if your aim is that your products/services be bought and sold successfully over the internet, then hiring a promising SEO organization is indispensable.

Please view the diagram for a clearer understanding on how viewer’s psychology functions on the search engine results for a particular keyword. The bottom line definitely conveys that most of the users content themselves with the first eight findings! eNIDUS.com, a big name in the software development offers a variety of SEO tools to give your website ranking a didactic boost. We intend that you reach the top & remain there.

Our team of strong internet marketing experts knows how the search engines work and therefore they exploit the best possibilities and make sure that the website is visible as a chart-topper on all the popular search engines, where most viewers search and click on your links. Social Media Marketing is yet another healthy way to drive the targeted traffic to your site. SMM is also our forte. Thus, our business is to escalate your business to newer levels of success.

Visit us at : www.eNIDUS.com

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